Robotics Coaches Meeting & Dinner

Robotics Coaches Meeting & Dinner

We invite you to join us for a Robotics Coaches Meeting and Dinner! October 27th, 2021 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm Nevada Robotics is hosting a coaches meeting and dinner for Northern Nevada robotics coaches to have an opportunity to network, learn about available...
Robot-in-a-Day FTC Training Event – October 16th, 2021

Robot-in-a-Day FTC Training Event – October 16th, 2021

Build a FTC Robot-in-a-Day with FIRST Nevada! FIRST Nevada is hosting two Robot-in-a-Day training events for FIRST Tech Challenge teams. The events will be held in-person on Saturday, October 16th in both Reno and Las Vegas. Coaches and team members will build and...
Robot-in-a-Day FLL Training Event – October 23rd, 2021

Robot-in-a-Day FLL Training Event – October 23rd, 2021

Build a FLL Robot-in-a-Day with FIRST Nevada! FIRST Nevada is hosting two Robot-in-a-Day training events for FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams. The events will be held in-person on Saturday, October 23rd in both Reno and Las Vegas. Coaches and team members will build...